Low Wattage Amplifier - Louder Stage Volume
If you like the tone of your low wattage amplifier, but would like a louder stage volume, then using the ARACOM attenuator's Line Out feature, along with a second amplifier/cabinet will allow you to achieve this. The secondary amplifier is typically set for a clean tone and is used to control the overall stage volume.
The Line Out feature is always on. Therefore, it can be used when the ARACOM attenuator is in the Bypass, Attenuate and Load modes. If you want maximum volume from your low powered amplifier, you can set the attenuator in the Bypass mode. The attenuator can also be placed in the Load mode, if you prefer not to use the low powered amplifier's speaker(s). Read the Load mode instructions fully, before using this mode.
Remember to always use speaker cables for the connections between the amp, attenuator and speaker cabinet. Use a guitar cord for the line out connection from the attenuator to the secondary amplifier.
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Copyright © 2012 ARACOM Amplifiers
This article may not be reproduced in any form without written approval from ARACOM Amplifiers.